Waterjet cutting involves passing water under high pressure through a small diameter nozzle to produce a waterjet. The jet travels at a very high speed, with sufficient kinetic energy to cut a wide range of materials. If sand is added,an abrasive affect occurs that allows the waterjet to cut hard materials such as metal and stone.
What is a CNC water jet?
The working principle of water jet cutting is the same as that of water erosion, which can be seen in nature-just acceleration and concentration. The water that hits the surface of the material can loosen the particles on the material and then wash it off. Whether it is a previously loose material or abrasive particles, additives in the water will further enhance this effect.
The cutting “tool” is a high-energy water jet, a fine stream of water under high pressure (up to 400 MPa) and high speed (four times the maximum speed of sound). This technique is also called hydro-erosion cutting. When abrasive materials are used, it is called hydro-abrasive cutting. The mixture of water and abrasive aids the cutting process and is used to process hard and hard materials. Different types of abrasives can be used: certain types of sand, natural garnet, corundum, olivine; steel, glass and ceramic beads in the form of granules or sand, and plastic or alumina abrasives.
Using a water jet
Water jet cutting is commonly used in manufacturing machinery and other equipment. From mining to aircraft manufacturing, it has a place in many fields. Because the water jet is easy to adjust, it can be used to cut various types of materials, from fishing rods to titanium, with a wide range of thicknesses. There are almost no materials that can be cut by water jet, one of which is safe tempered glass, which will be scattered during cutting regardless of the technology used.
CNC water jet cutting
Water jet cutting is commonly used in manufacturing machinery and other equipment. From mining to aircraft manufacturing, it has a place in many fields. Because the water jet is easy to adjust, it can be used to cut various types of materials, from fishing rods to titanium, with a wide range of thicknesses. There are almost no materials that can be cut by water jet, one of which is safe tempered glass, which will be scattered during cutting regardless of the technology used.